Learn Trade Shows
Anvi Disegno specializes in designing and building trade show stands, environments, and displays. Our goal is to help you in saving money on your trade show related expenses. By simply reducing the size, weight, and the number of crates that you ship to your next trade show you can save thousands of dollars at each event that you need to send an exhibit.
With the following content, we want to give you general explanations and overviews into how these expenses work. For more information and additional assistance with these expenses please contact us.
Possibly the most costly Trade Show related expense is Drayage. This is the word that is often used in the trade show industry to describe the cost of “Material Handling.” Material handling is simply the act of unloading the truck(s) that deliver your freight (display materials) to the exhibit space and back to the dock after the show.
The cost is based on the actual weight of the materials that you are bringing in the building. The costs will vary greatly from the venue, but the cost is always based on weight. Your services order forms for a trade show will include a “material handling order form.” This form is used to help you calculate (and pre-pay) for your drayage. The formula that is most often used is the cost (varies by show) per every 100 LBS of materials coming in the building.
The price per 100 LBS can range from as low as $60 to well over $100.

This is the expense related to the cost of “Installation and Dismantling” your exhibit at a show and this expense needs to be planned and budgeted for. It is also an expense that can easily be reduced with the proper exhibit construction methods.
Every show will offer labor to help you set up your display and many shows require that you hire the local, often union labor to set up and dismantle your displays and exhibits. The cost is based on a per hour price. That price is multiplied by the number of laborers you need to make the job.
Labor rates ($ per hour) vary greatly from city-to-city. In our recent experience we have paid a rate of $57 to $ 125 These rates are also based on “straight time”, others times, overtime, holydays time, etc, are rated more expensive.

This is the expense related to the cost of electrical services your exhibit at a show and this expense needs to be planned and budgeted for.
Every show will give you the services of the installation of electricity in your booth and only the staff of the show can make the job.
The cost is based on two elements:
1. Power request: quantity of power that you need in your booth and the unit measure is Watts.
2. Labor service: the rate is per hour price. That price is multiplied by the number of laborers you need to make the job. Labor rates ($ per hour) vary greatly from city-to-city. In our recent experience, we have paid a rate of $50 to $ 150. These rates are also based on “straight time”, others times, overtime, holydays time, etc, are rated more expensive.

One of the more costly Trade Show related expenses is Shipping. The cost to ship an exhibit to and from a trade show can be in the thousands for each show. If your company participates in several shows a year that expense can really add up. The cost to ship an exhibit to and from a convention center for a trade show is based on three elements.
1. Weight - There are methods for calculating the weight of your freight and the freight carriers will always charge you for the higher cost option.
2. Timing - The cost to ship your stand and exhibit materials will vary greatly based on the time allotted to the freight carrier. Another Timing element that can increase your shipment costs is Target Move-in and Pick up requirements that are dictated by show management.
3. Distance - The cost of shipments is also based on the distance that the shipment has to travel. This is much less of a concern if you are shipping a lightweight portable exhibit versus a large custom crated exhibit.